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Operazione Mare Nostrum , immigrati in scendono al porto di Napoli dalla nave Virginio Fasan, impiegata nell operazione Mare Nostrum <br />
inMigrants  disembark in Naples Harbour <br />
 from the ship "Virginio Fasan" of the Italian navy,  the  vessel involved in search-and-rescue operations the ship is engaged in the rescue operation "Mare Nostrum" in the Mediterranean Sea
Operazione Mare Nostrum , immigrati in scendono al porto di Napoli dalla nave Virginio Fasan, impiegata nell operazione Mare Nostrum
inMigrants disembark in Naples Harbour
from the ship "Virginio Fasan" of the Italian navy, the vessel involved in search-and-rescue operations the ship is engaged in the rescue operation "Mare Nostrum" in the Mediterranean Sea

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